Frustration: (Part 2 of 4) Why this much Hardwork? Why IIT?

Getting such frustration is casual and you can face them multiple times throughout the journey. For the ease of tackling these obstacles, I have divided the JEE Frustrations into four broad categories. This post deals with the second and the most important one:

2. Why give so much time & importance to this exam? All my friends are enjoying their teenage, having fun and making friends. Are IITs worth the preparation?

Why is this the most important one? I have ranked this as most important because this is the main reason why many capable candidates are not able to crack this exam. We all know the journey is long (usually 2 years) it is normal that you lose the motivation to crack the exams due to many reasons including seeing your fellow friends chilling. The following is the copy of my Quora Answer to Why IIT?

IITian brag their IIT tag everywhere. We are sometimes called Nerd while sometime showoffs. Well, I guess we earned it!
Many JEE Aspirants have also been asking me why they need to work so hard for just one entrance exam?
Why IIT? Answer: A life you’ll never live anywhere else. IITs are the place to go -

Not only because our fests are the best:

Not only because of Great Placements and Research Opportunities:

Not only because of Incredibly beautiful campuses:

Not only because we celebrate festivals differently:

Not only because of our great Alumni Base:

Not only because of the campus life:

Not only because of best in class sports opportunities:

Not only because of Wildlife in the campus:

But also the vibes, incredibly talented friends and the much more. I will always cherish every single moment I spent at IIT Kharagpur.

To all JEE Aspirants, Work Hard! Its worth it.


PS. Photographs are limitless. I had to stop somewhere. Credits: All photographs from the photography clubs of IITs.
