Hey Guys!
Since no one was ready for this COVID-19 Pandemic, no one had prepared a study timetable for this period of time. I am getting daily requests from you all to help you set-up a timetable to fully utilize this lock down period. This post will guide you.
Its June already, by this time JEE usually gets conducted. By fate of God, you’re lucky enough to get these extra preparation months; also negative in a way that you’re gonna face a tougher competition as everyone will be much more prepared.
Before moving to the revision time table, ensure that you have already completed the syllabus at least once. Be honest to yourself, don’t think I’ll do it with the revision. If there are still some chapters left, I highly recommend you to complete them first. Make a target of 10 days and burn the mid-night oil to complete as much remaining syllabus as possible (leave the remaining part! smart work suggests to improve your performance in your already completed portion of the syllabus). Now lets get to the timetable.
This is the revision schema that I followed -
- Divide the whole syllabus into distinct units (each unit contains some chapters of all the three subjects). I divided the syllabus into 10 units.
- Set a tentative time duration required to revise each unit (may vary unit to unit). My average duration was about 3.5 days/unit. I completed all the ten units in 35 days (Tip: Try to set a difficult to achieve duration so that you have to push yourself to achieve it)
- Make three slots in a day and designate them to each subject such that every day different subject can be studied in a certain slot. For eg. my 2 slots were A - (9 am - 12 pm), B - (3 pm - 6 pm), C - (9 pm - 1 am) and divided them such that on Monday, I studied Maths in slot A, on Tuesday, Physics in slot A, on Wednesday Chemistry in slot A and so on…
- Take a day off every weekend. On that day, revise what you’ve done so far.
- Every night before sleeping write down what you’re supposed to do the next day and strike-off the task after completing it. This always gives a moral boost.
- After every 3 units, I would do a quick revision again and take a JEE level Mock Test. I recommend you purchase one test series for the same. Keep a track of your score to see which areas are weak.
- Most Important : Keep a track of your timetable. Remember, Discipline is the biggest Motivation.
Now getting to division of Units in detail, I used the following table -
I guess this timetable will use about 1.5 months of time after which you should take your preparation one level even higher. I will write another post regarding the last 20 days (or maybe a month) strategy to make the best use of the time.
Also, you should make a similar table for point no. 5 given above.
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